FAQs: Research Feedback Session for Auditing Researchers
Monday, June 22, 2020
Q: Who is eligible to submit a request to participate in this event?
A: Any and all academics – from doctoral students all the way up to full professors – are welcome to submit a request to participate. This opportunity is open to anyone who would like to receive feedback on their auditing research question. The RAB supports studies employing a wide range of research methodologies, including archival studies, meta analyses, modeling, literature reviews, behavioral/experimental research studies, descriptive analyses, etc.
Q: Is this event only for academics who do behavioral research in auditing?
A: No. The CAQ’s Research Advisory Board (RAB) supports studies employing a wide range of research methodologies, including archival studies, meta analyses, modeling, literature reviews, behavioral/experimental research studies, and descriptive analyses.
Q: What do I have to do to be selected to participate in this Research Feedback Session?
A: To be considered, researchers must submit a brief description of their research idea using the Kinney Three Paragraphs approach to research@thecaq.org. Tell us what your research question is, why it’s important, and how you plan to address the question. Requests that do not include a Kinney Three Paragraphs write up will not be considered.
Due to anticipated demand, applications will be selected by lottery.
Q: Why do I have to describe my research idea using the Kinney Three Paragraphs?
A: We believe that the researcher-practitioner interaction will be enhanced if the RAB members have had an opportunity to read a description of your research question, why you think it’s important, and how you are going to address your question.
Our goal is to provide access to as many researchers as possible during the time allotted for the Zoom sessions on October 19th and November 6th. If the practitioners have read an overview of your research question ahead of time, they will be in a better position to provide feedback.
Q: Am I able to submit my request with my Kinney Three Paragraphs before the deadline of 11:59 pm PDT, Monday, September 28, 2020?
A: Yes. The CAQ is accepting completed requests from now until 11:59 pm PDT, Monday, September 28, 2020. Our selections will be based on a lottery system. You will be notified by Friday, October 2, 2020 if you have been selected.
Q: Do my Kinney Three Paragraphs have to follow any formatting specifications (single/double space, etc.)?
A: No, the CAQ just needs to receive a 1–2-page Kinney Three Paragraphs stating what your research question is, why it’s important and how you plan to address it. The document can be sent as either a Word or a pdf file. Do not send a full proposal; it will not be reviewed.
Q: How will the Virtual Research Feedback Session work?
A: Researchers who have been selected to pitch their research idea will be provided a Zoom Video Conference login that will allow them to enter a secure virtual meeting room. If you have more than one academic on your research team, you can all be connected from multiple locations. You will be provided a scheduled appointment, at which time you will be joined by the CAQ Research Advisory Board members who are participating in this meeting.
Q: How will the Research Feedback Session be organized?
A: The RAB members will have read your Kinney Three Paragraphs in advance of your session. Each session will be 15 minutes in length. You will be asked to make a five-minute pitch about your research idea. Following your pitch, you will engage in a 10-minute discussion with the RAB members. They may ask questions and provide feedback. You will also be able to ask questions of the RAB members. If you would like the RAB members to consider a few specific questions in advance, to be addressed during your session, place them at the end of your Kinney Three Paragraphs.
The goal is to provide researchers like you with access to seasoned professionals who are interested in seeing you and your research succeed.
Q: While presenting, can I ask questions of the RAB members?
A: Yes, you will have the opportunity to ask questions. You can also include up to three questions at the end of your Kinney Three Paragraph document.
Q: I plan to work with co-authors on my project. Can they participate in the “pitch” meeting?
A: Yes, your co-authors are welcome to join you. We just ask that you designate one person to make the initial 5-minute pitch, but all of you will be able to ask or answer questions.
Q: May we use PowerPoint slides or screen sharing in the presentation?
A: These sessions are intended to promote a dialogue. The Zoom feature hides the gallery view of attendees when screen sharing is used so we discourage the use of PPT or other mediums.
Q: I submitted a proposal in the past to the CAQ that did not receive an award. Can I submit that research idea through this process so that I can receive feedback? Should I resend my original proposal?
A: If you would like feedback on a research idea that was part of a prior CAQ grant submission, you can submit your idea using the Kinney Three Paragraphs approach. Do not resubmit your original proposal, as the practitioners will not have sufficient time to read through a full proposal.
Q: Am I required to submit a proposal for a CAQ Access to Audit Personnel (AAP) or Research Advisory Board (RAB) grant based on the research idea I present?
A: No, researchers are not required to apply for grants under either CAQ grant program. Our objective is to provide academic scholars with an opportunity to receive feedback and assistance in the development phase of their research project. However, we would hope that you would consider submitting your project for either an AAP or RAB grant.
Q: I do plan to submit a proposal to one of the two CAQ grant programs in 2021. Will presenting my research idea in this forum guarantee that my proposal will be accepted for a grant award?
A: The CAQ is committed to supporting valuable independent academic research that can have important, real-world impact on audit quality and the audit of the future. Having the opportunity to participate in this formal exchange about your research idea with several Research Advisory Board members should help you refine your project idea and help in its presentation in your submitted proposal. However, it is not a guarantee that your proposal will receive a CAQ grant award.
Q: What is the difference between the Access to Audit Personnel (AAP) and Research Advisory Board (RAB) grant programs?
A: The AAP program provides behavioral researchers with access to audit personnel to participate in scholarly research; data collection occurs between June and September of the award year. To qualify for consideration, AAP grant submissions must include a proposal as well as a well-developed data collection protocol/instrument. For more information on the AAP program please go here. The AAP program does not provide funding for travel to collect data nor are researchers provided stipends.
The RAB grant program is open to all research methodologies. Usually the research ideas submitted for RAB grants are in the early stages of development, and academics are seeking funding to support the further advancement of the research question and approach. Most RAB grant awardees are assigned one or more RAB members to serve as mentors who provide insights into practice and/or research methodology. A panel discussion at the 2016 CAQ symposium provides examples from two senior scholars about how this type of interaction with practitioners helped them with their research projects.
RAB grant awardees whose projects employ behavioral research methods that require access to audit personnel will receive access from the CAQ’s eight Governing Board firms.
RAB grant awardees also receive an invitation to the CAQ’s Annual Symposium, held the Sunday before the start of the AAA Annual Meeting. For more information on RAB funding grants please visit the Research Advisory Board Funding Grants page on the CAQ site.
Q: If I submit a behavioral research proposal through the RAB grant process for the 2021 grant cycle, will I be able to collect data during the summer of 2021 or will I have to wait until Spring 2022?
A: RAB grant award winners are notified in May. If you have a fairly well-developed data collection protocol by May, it is possible that you will be able to administer your study over the summer months in the year the award is made.
Q: Have the Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the AAP and RAB grants been released yet for 2021? Where can I find information on both?
A: Yes. The AAP RFP was released in April 2020 and is available here.
The RAB grants RFP and the Topics of Interest for 2021 will be released in November 2020. Once released, these items will be posted on the CAQ website Research page.