Comment Letter
Proposed Revisions to the Uniform Accountancy Act’s Model Rules
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
The Center for Audit Quality recently submitted a comment letter on the Uniform Accountancy Act’s (UAA) Model Roles that pertain to education.
We generally support the proposed changes to the UAA model rules and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) /National Association of State Boards of Accountancy’s (NASBA) CPA Evolution initiative. More specifically, we believe expanding subject-matter content to include data analytics, digital acumen and other technology focused content are necessary to keep pace with the rapidly changing business landscape and will continue to enhance audit quality. We also believe that more needs to be done to address the impact of existing CPA licensure requirements – specifically the costs associated with these requirements – on the accessibility of the audit profession, particularly to underserved and underrepresented talent.
Download the full comment letter to read more.