CAQ Alert #2015-03 – New Educational Video Promotes the Call to Action
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Working with our partners in the Audit Committee Collaboration, the Center for Audit Quality has released a new video that succinctly captures the key elements of the Collaboration resource: Enhancing the Audit Committee Report: A Call to Action.
As the video explains, the Call to Action examines leading disclosure practices of audit committees and encourages public company audit committees to voluntarily and proactively improve their public disclosures to more effectively convey to investors and others the critical aspects of the important work that they currently perform, including the oversight of the external auditor. This video accompanies an earlier Collaboration video on resources to help audit committees with their oversight and evaluation of the external auditor.
The Call to Action was developed by the Audit Committee Collaboration, made up of nationally recognized corporate governance and policy organizations that have come together to expand audit committee member access to useful tools and materials with the goal of strengthening audit committee performance and transparency. For more information on the Audit Committee Collaboration and its activities, please visit